Hay gente a la que no le gustan los vegetales, en vez de tirar la comida como hacen algunos, podríais hacer lo que han hecho algunas personas que nos enseñan en este video. Una vez que lo tengais hecho, podéis venderlo o mejor aún, coméroslo. Enseñando el siguiente video no os estamos animando a desperdiciar la comida, sino a enseñaros los distintos tipos de arte que hay.../
There are some people that doesn´t like vegetables, instead of throughing the food out like as some people do, you could do the same as some people show us in this video. When you have done it, you could shell it or, better than that, eat it. Showing to you this video we are not trying to say to you that you don´t have to eat vegetables, what we want to do is to show the diffent types ofart that exist...
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